Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm now on Pinterest!

I am so honored to have been invited by the Editor-in-Chief of Real Living Magazine to Pinterest!

I asked for an invitation but I didn't really expect anything. And to learn that you can only give out five invitations makes me even more thankful!

I haven't done much pinning yet, but here's a screen shot of the main page.

Pinterest is sort of an online moodboard networking site, sort of like Tumblr. But here you can arrange photos into Pinboards of different themes. You may "pin" other photos found in the site (or any other website) onto your board to serve as an inspiration or just for recollection.

You may also pin original pictures and watch how many people re-pins them.

I am now tempted to abandon this blog for Pinterest! (hehe, kidding)

If anyone wants an invitation please leave me a message.

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