Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Interior Design Inspiration

I joined the SuperSale Bazaar a couple of months ago. And, it was held at the community center of The Grove by Rockwell, where the model unit for the new towers they're building is also in.

So I dropped by their model unit, and boy, I fell in love with the interiors.

They made a 97 square meter, 2 bedroom condo look like a house fit for a modern family.

Living room - this really set the tone for the theme of the whole house.

Dining room

Kitchen - I love the wall tiles!

Master's Bedroom


Master's Bathroom - it's only a model unit, that's why there's a big window at the shower area.

I love the idea of having a small garden at the shower area. Makes me feel refreshed.

Walk-In Closet

Other Bedroom

 I love the textured wall!

Outside Bathroom - I love showers with built in niches to hold my shampoo, shower gel and all my bath products, rather than have them in a caddy which can look messy.

Also, notice the mirrors above the sink, they can be opened revealing shelves inside.
Maid's Room - here they converted it into an office but I'd make it into a room for the househelp.

The convertible wall bed in my earlier post would be perfect for this room. The househelp could just tuck away the bed when sorting and ironing the laundry.

 I soo love all the details in this unit. Every furniture, every little detail in this condo is well thought out. And although I'm not a match-y match-y kind of person, I love that every room adheres to the overall look of the unit, which is kind of zen meets tropical, yet has its own identity.

I learned that the interior designer for Rockwell's projects is Alice Erfe and Associates. 

So, I will definitely get her to do my house in the future.

Which one

do you think I should get?

The White one or the Black one?

I'm torn between the two, and I'd only like to get one.

Color of the Day

I saw this on the net

And lo and behold, that's also my nail color!

I used an Orly nail polish at the salon. Can't find the exact same one at the mall, though.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Goals List / Wish List

Before posting any more entries, I'd like to state here my goals or wishes. Just to see if I can achieve them somehow.

1. To have a house of our own.

    - Nothing fancy. Just a 250-300 sq.m. lot with a garden and a small swimming pool. Of course
      the interiors and landscaping would have to be impeccable. It would be a great big bonus if
      it could be a "green" house.

2. To have my own office/ studio.
    - What fashion designer wouldn't want this? Also nothing fancy. Just enough space for the
      office area, a little lounge for clients, drafting and sewing area, and supplies room.

3. To launch my own label.
    - Again, what fashion designer wouldn't want this? It would be a dream come true!

4. To finally get rid of my bad habit since childhood -- sleeping late.
    - I'm not accomplishing much because I'm asleep half the day. I'd like to be a morning person
      for once.

5. To set the best example for my daughter.

I guess those are the big rocks.

My other goals would be:

- Learn how to cook, and really cook our food, not just leave it to the house cook.
- Learn photography.
- Learn photoshop.
- Participate in fashion workshops or further my studies in the fashion field.
- Have a regular exercise regimen.
- Run a marathon.
- Try sky diving.

Those are the stuff I can think of right now. I'll be adding to this if I think of anything else. Or slashing the ones I accomplish.

The succeeding posts will hopefully be the tools and references towards achieving these goals. :D

Neutrals vs Colors

I'd like to think that I'm the kind of person who only likes neutral colors.

Every time I buy anything I always go for the whites or blacks or beige and everything in between.
But, in my mind I know that I want to be a little more adventurous with colors. I even made a resolution to buy more colorful stuff for my next purchases. Still, I find myself gravitating towards the simple and neutral.

But every once in a while, I see pictures like these and they make me want to be a convert.

The styling is so spot-on, the colors absolutely beautiful -- they make it seem so easy to dress up in such combinations.
I guess I've always been afraid of attracting too much attention to the way I dress. I'd rather dress up other people in that manner. 

But, I promise to try wearing a bit more color in the near future :D

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Love

this chair! This would look perfect on my future office.

And that electric fan looks chic, too! I hate plastic-looking electric fans.


And, having Wendy Lam as my assistant wouldn't be so bad either (hehe).

photo source:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cool Furniture!

It takes a little effort but if you're living in a really tight space, these furniture are lifesavers.

They take the term "space-saving" to another level -- where functionality doesn't compromise beauty and it doesn't take a rocket scientist nor a muscle man to execute the transformation.

And speaking of really tight spaces, no other apartment could be smaller than the ones in Hong Kong. Living in such small quarters is the way of life for them. But this architect found a way around it. So you've seen transforming furniture, now this is a transforming apartment!

Amazing! Can you believe that apartment is just 32 square meters? 

It's not for lazy-ass people like me, though. Sometimes I just want to lie down when I get home without needing to transform my bed.

Friday, July 16, 2010


This is something I want to be and the kind of studio I want to have in the future.

Independents' Day // Thistle & Clover from on Vimeo.

I love indie designers. There is something to be said about designers who really love the craft and does it more for the reason of sharing their vision to the community than put out something very mainstream just to make a profit.