Saturday, July 24, 2010

Goals List / Wish List

Before posting any more entries, I'd like to state here my goals or wishes. Just to see if I can achieve them somehow.

1. To have a house of our own.

    - Nothing fancy. Just a 250-300 sq.m. lot with a garden and a small swimming pool. Of course
      the interiors and landscaping would have to be impeccable. It would be a great big bonus if
      it could be a "green" house.

2. To have my own office/ studio.
    - What fashion designer wouldn't want this? Also nothing fancy. Just enough space for the
      office area, a little lounge for clients, drafting and sewing area, and supplies room.

3. To launch my own label.
    - Again, what fashion designer wouldn't want this? It would be a dream come true!

4. To finally get rid of my bad habit since childhood -- sleeping late.
    - I'm not accomplishing much because I'm asleep half the day. I'd like to be a morning person
      for once.

5. To set the best example for my daughter.

I guess those are the big rocks.

My other goals would be:

- Learn how to cook, and really cook our food, not just leave it to the house cook.
- Learn photography.
- Learn photoshop.
- Participate in fashion workshops or further my studies in the fashion field.
- Have a regular exercise regimen.
- Run a marathon.
- Try sky diving.

Those are the stuff I can think of right now. I'll be adding to this if I think of anything else. Or slashing the ones I accomplish.

The succeeding posts will hopefully be the tools and references towards achieving these goals. :D

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